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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Power Systems-Multi-energy systems and networks


Work description

- characterize the state of the art in the field of multi-energy systems and networks taking into account different use cases; - contribute to the specification, design, development and implementation of tools in the energy area, involving hydrogen and ammonia production, forecasting of load and renewable production and distribution networks operation; - specify the exchange of information between systems and develop APIs to enable interaction between new tools and existing platforms; - participate in the elaboration of use cases and services related to the optimization of multi-energy systems; - attend a curricular unit of transversal competences; - write the grant activity report.

Academic Qualifications

Student in Electrical Engineering or other similar field.

Minimum profile required

- knowledge in programming;- fluency in English (written and spoken).

Preference factors

Knowledge of fundamental concepts related to multi-energy systems; Knowledge of optimization and forecasting models; Knowledge of Python (or similar);

Application Period

Since 07 Jun 2023 to 07 Jul 2023



Power and Energy Systems

Scientific Advisor

Filipe Joel Soares