Programming languages
Work description
This grant focusses on quantitative techniques in the context of programming languages. More specifically, in quantitative equational theories used to check approximate equivalence between two programs. The aim is to carry out a complete and in-depth study of such theories; which will later serve as a basis for developing quantitative partial equational theories. The quantitative part will be based on a quantale, of which the Boolean, Godel, and Lawvere cases stand out. The host language is lambda-calculus and its different variants, e.g. linear, Cartesian, "graded" etc...
Academic Qualifications
Be enrolled in a doctoral programme in computer science or informatics engineering.
Minimum profile required
- Experience with Haskell;- Knowledge of category theory, probabilistic and hybrid programming.
Preference factors
- Knowledge of Haskell and monads; - Knowledge of category theory; - Knowledge of probabilistic and hybrid programming; - Good academic path.
Application Period
Since 31 Aug 2023 to 13 Sep 2023
High-Assurance Software