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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Programming, Modelling tools, Systems design, Applied physics,Biophysics, Optics


Work description

Application of signal processing techniques for feature extraction in biosignals. Application of machine learning techniques to classify different classes using the extracted features. Assembly, documentation, testing and use of an innovative biosensing system for data collection. Active participation in the writing of scientific articles within the scope of this work.

Academic Qualifications


Minimum profile required

Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or similar fields

Preference factors

Prior knowledge in the analysis of biosignals in the amplitude, frequency and phase domain. Prior contact with biosensing systems for continuous signal acquisition. Student in a doctoral program in the area of Biomedical Engineering or similar.

Application Period

Since 28 Dec 2022 to 10 Jan 2023



Biomedical Engineering Research

Scientific Advisor

Duarte Filipe Dias