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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities



Work description

- Study of motion controllers; - Simulation of the controller in several scenarios and different types of robots; - Tuning of controllers for different types of situations and trajectories; - Implementation and testing in real robots of different configurations, using ROS and C++; - Write the scholarship activity report.

Academic Qualifications

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Enrollment in the master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering;

Minimum profile required

Knowledge in programming, sensors and actuators used in robotics, through the frequency of related Curricular Units.

Preference factors

Previous participation in extra-curricular activities related to robotics (National Robotics Festival, Extra-curricular Robotics Groups, summer internships in robotics, etc.).

Application Period

Since 25 May 2023 to 07 Jun 2023



Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems

Scientific Advisor

António Paulo Moreira