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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities



Work description

- survey the state of the art in emerging wireless networks, including their simulation using real data assimilation, machine learning, and digital twin approaches; - collaborate in the writing of technical reports on communications protocols, algorithms, and mechanisms developed; - develop new modules enabling the simulation and/or experimentation of emerging wireless networks; - write publications in co-authorship within the scope of the work developed;

Academic Qualifications

MSc in Electrical Engineering or similar

Minimum profile required

- solid knowledge and experience in IEEE 802.11, 5G and IoT technologies;- experience in the optimization of the network flows according to the QoS requirements/priority;- solid knowledge in TCP/IP stack and Linux;- programming skills in C++ and Python;- solid knowledge in the use and development of wireless multimodal communication protocols.

Preference factors

- knowledge in discrete event-driven simulation, especially with ns-3; - research experience regarding prioritization of data-flows in multi-modal communications; - experience with Open RAN software, such as OpenAirInterface; - experience using Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning applied to the wireless networks area.

Application Period

Since 13 Jun 2024 to 27 Jun 2024



Telecommunications and Multimedia

Scientific Advisor

Hélder Martins Fontes