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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Underwater Robotics


Work description

The workplan is organized according to the following sequential steps: - Design a sensor suite and specify individual sensors; - Design metrics and tools to solve optimal sensor placement, considering the mechanical feasibility constraints of the target vehicle and its corresponding docking station; - Develop an state-estimator or integrate new sensor into existing localization/state-estimation frameworks; - Integrate sensors both at electrical and logical levels; - Perform validation and characterization through laboratorial tests; - Perform field tests and tuning of parameters; - Address the portability of the estimation layer from a smaller scale autonomous surface vehicles to the real scale manned surface vessel. The grantee will participate in project meetings both with internal team members and project partners. Documentation by means of reports and scientific publications addressing the above-mentioned topics is required throughout the duration of proposed workplan.

Academic Qualifications

MsC in Mechanical Engineering or related field.

Minimum profile required

Previous Experience in Underwater Robotics and attending PhD studies.

Preference factors

Previous experience in control and sensing systems.

Application Period

Since 17 May 2023 to 30 May 2023



Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Scientific Advisor

Bruno Miguel Ferreira