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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Underwater Robotics


Work description

1- Development and application of techniques for processing images obtained in conditions of reduced visibility (for example, low lighting and turbidity); 2- Development and implementation of visual scene recognition techniques for navigation in confined environments (for example for positioning next to structures); 3- Adaptation of optical image processing methods for application in sonar images; 4- Development and implementation of visual relative positioning techniques in confined environments; 5- Development and application of hybrid perception techniques, with the fusion/adaptation of different sources (optical and acoustic); 6- Integration of perception algorithms into vehicle simulation tools in underwater environments with “hardware/software in the loop” to validate software to extend autonomous exploration in confined environments.

Academic Qualifications

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Minimum profile required

- Experience in computer vision;- Experience in robotics;- Proven experience in developing AUV or underwater vision systems;- Experience in hardware development: area of ??integration of perception sensors for the development of data acquisition systems, proven;- Publication of at least one scientific article in Q1 and Q2 magazines as first author;- Past involvement in research projects, funded by external institutions, in the area of ??underwater mobile robotics.

Preference factors

- Experience in aquatic robotics projects; - Previous work with underwater cameras and sonars; - Programming experience in C/C++ or Python; - Knowledge of machine learning and computer vision; - Phd dissertation thesis in the area of ??location and recognition of locations for short-range inspection missions; - Scientific publications in conferences and scientific magazines.

Application Period

Since 28 Nov 2024 to 13 Dec 2024



Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Scientific Advisor

Aníbal Matos