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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Web technologies


Work description

The research fellow will join the StorySense project team, collaborating on the development of computational methods for extracting and visualizing narratives. The work will involve implementing prototypes and conducting tests to validate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. assess technologies for narrative processing and visualization; implement a module for processing narrative representations; develop web prototypes for narrative visualization; implement a module for linking narratives to knowledge bases; conduct usability tests and performance analysis of the prototypes; collaborate in writing scientific publications; write the scholarship activity report.

Academic Qualifications

Degree in computer engineering or related field

Minimum profile required

Degree average of 14 or more

Preference factors

Relevant experience in web development; Relevant experience in the area of information visualisation. Passed or recently attended a Web Development course; Knowledge of web programming languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Proficiency in Portuguese

Application Period

Since 30 Jan 2025 to 14 Feb 2025



Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support

Scientific Advisor

Sérgio Nunes